Discover The design detail Trending Now!

assistant design editor Jennifer Koper shares what’s currently catching her eye.
I’ve always loved the lightness and airiness of cane-webbing, loose-weave linen drapes and similar materials that have a see-through quality. This breeziness feels perfectly appropriate for spring, which is why I’m loving a trend that’s been popping up lately with the same kind of feel: perforation. Still very prevalent in metal lanterns, this trend has made its way into all kinds of home goods. Click through to find seven of my favorite perforated finds right now.

This storage basket feels light and airy, but the perforations are still small enough to hold the contents inside. It also comes in white for a minimalist look.

Source: H&M Home

Products: metal storage basket, $19.99

This gold-finished perforated steel frame feels casual and glam at the same time. topped with black marble for a hit of edginess, it would make a sleek and minimalist entryway console.

Source: CB2

Products: Perforated marble console table, $999

The powder-coated steel frame of this outdoor collection at West Elm is an awesome mint green color. The perforated detail peeks out from under the super fun cushion, created in collaboration with L.A.-based metal-worker Eric Trine and Brooklyn-based textile designer Ellen Van Dusen.

Source: West Elm

Products: Eric Trine + Dusen Dusen outdoor Sofa, $949

This Kelly Wearstler walnut cabinet with a burnished brass base might be a splurge, but it’s definitely a showstopper. It has oversized perforations in brass casings along the front doors, revealing bits and pieces of what’s inside, including the antique-mirror back!

Source: Kelly Wearstler

Products: Dillon Cabinet, $25, 185

An awesome combination of wood, glass and metal, this dome pendant comes in a multitude of options, including different wood species and finishes. I love the simple globe shape that peeks through the half-sphere perforated shade. The perforations are so small that the shade takes on a semi-sheer quality.

Source: Allied Maker

Products: Dome pendant 08″ Perforated, $795 USD

These perforated trays from Elte are simple in style, yet they leave a lasting impression. The large one is perfect for styling a coffee tabletop and the small one is just the right size for corralling bits and pieces on a bathroom vanity counter.

Source: Elte

Products: Perforated Trays Antique Brass (Set of 2), $465

This clever wall hook has a perforated metal bin on top that provides extra storage space for mail and other bits — just the right solution for an entryway that’s tight on space.

Source: Umbra

Products: Estique key hook & organizer, $20

Designer: Wesley Chau

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